I have original music and songs to offer. Still working on the shopping page for it. Not ready to make sales yet, but you can see it by clicking here if you want to. In the meantime, all the music is freely available for listening and download on the music page. Please respect the copyrights on these creations or I'll sic some ruthless lawyers on your ass.

I live in a green home in a green way. Eventually I'll tell about it here in detail. In the meantime, I post some stuff about it on the blog.

Requiring only four hours of sleep per rotation of our planet, I usually dream vividly while sleeping and most dreams yield multiple ideas. Some of them are just strange while some are disturbing as hell, but a lot of the dreamed ideas are more brilliant than anything my waking mind ever manages to come up with. I forget some of them and remember some in an apparently random fashion. I don't write down dreamed ideas. I tried that a few times but it never seemed to help in any discernible way. So I just let them stick in my conscious mind naturally if they are apt to do so of their own accord rather than try to force-kindle them into longterm memory.
The other twenty hours of a single planetary rotation are spent dealing with the naturally remembered dream ideas, especially the ones I am completely powerless to ignore, and there are always plenty of those to ponder. This keeps my mind active the entire time I'm awake, never allowing boredom to occur in my life. This is not to say my mind is overwhelmed. On the contrary, all of the pondering is exciting and energizing. I love dreaming and love to develop ideas springing from the dreams.
This section is where dream ideas worked and in the works are shared.

I've traveled a lot in the past and still travel some, though mostly by hoof or foot now here within my wilderness realm. Nothing significant to offer here yet, though I do post some about my travels on the blog.