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Writer's pictureJC Summars

Stressless Streaming

After two years dry, the stream is flowing again. It's not large, easily hopped over without strain. But its sight and sound are large enough to induce deep relaxation and contentment, enhancing stress-free living far from thrashing chaos society brings to bear upon its captives.

Tumbling downhill over earth, stone and fallen forest debris.

Humming and thrumming around bends beneath shadowing aspen groves.

Aspen still waiting to leaf up.

Which will happen long before the oak even begin to bud.

And their dwelling offerings are occupied by wild things again.

Nearby amenities are ready for use by wild things too.

As high country snows are melting under a steadily warming sun.

Meadow grasses are greening.

And this crazy old hermit dreamily plans projects of the season.

Society and its contrived trappings can never provide such fine, stressless streaming as this.

Some may think living in such natural opulence comes at high expense beyond median cost of an urban home in the USA. On the contrary, it has cost 50% less, including house, water wells, plumbing and septic, solar/wind power system and shed, 2-tank propane system, substantial acreage, heavily forested slopes and natural drainage carrying clean high country snowmelt and rain waters in a living solution free of most of the shit society inevitably slings.

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