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Writer's pictureJC Summars

Baldfaced Endorsement

This is exactly as I posted to Google Reviews:

I yanked open their door a couple of minutes before closing time with Skye–muddy and bloody in my arms–and damn near shouted "SHE'S RATTLESNAKE BIT!". They leaped right into action, applied antivenin and put her on IV. The 4-foot long diamondback had struck her repeatedly on the right cheek just below the eye. They assured me I got her into the clinic before it was too late, urged me to go on home and not to worry. I didn't think she would live through the night.

Two days later I returned to see her because they called each day with updates and said she hadn't eaten anything since being admitted. I was worried she was feeling abandoned. We both perked up when we saw each other and she ate a couple of biscuits as they watched, so they let me take her home. She ate a little more, drank about a quart of water, then slept a lot, and so on, until we returned on her appointment date for reconstructive surgery.

Necrosis of her right cheek was about as horrific a sight as I've ever seen. They cleaned the gaping wound, stitched her up, put a cone on her, and back home we went at the end of that same day. A few days later one stitch gave way as the last of necrosis did its dirty work, but they gave me some potent healing medicine (purported to grow new fingers if I got any of it on my skin) to apply once a day. The wound shrank rapidly and they removed the stitches. The cone came off yesterday with the wound reduced down to a button-sized scab.

Skye wears a permanent grin on the right side now, but the healing is almost complete. Her eyesight is still sharp, her fur is growing back evenly, and she's chasing buzzards at full speed again. I'm impressed with the final results of their healing work. Skye loves going there, always excited and happy to see them all, revealing fine level of care applied by everyone at Live Oak Veterinary Clinic beyond skillful doctoring.

I was not paid or rewarded in any form or fashion to post the business review or this copy of it here.

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